Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoughts on existence after 3 days of fever and total loneliness

So I woke up this morning and I had this amazingly wee-eeeird feeling in my brain; it all started with a stupid dream about my ex, but not in that tortured romantic sense! no no what happened was far more bizzare, it was something like the world was segregated into two castes of society, and somehow she managed to get herself on the upper class, while my friends and I were stuck down in the dredges of slavery, eating guck for dinner, and I was leeching these crystal drugs off her to increase my intelligence ala stat boost INT + 1 it was like the weirdest thing and I was in her old mercedes but then she was flitting off (like she always does) man she can be such a blur of life even in a post-apocalyptic world and I remembered the food they served was all mildly spicy, i mean, MILDLY SPICY why that's like miley cyrus-picy?! and I hated it but anyway it drew me off to this weird tangent about the existence of God, actually it more or less started off from the night yesterday when I was reading this article about the pre-cognitivity of things, like whether things are "fated" to happen, and if we were to be privy to said "fate", would we have the freedom to change that fate, or has that already been factored into the overall arcing fate anyway and whatever decision we have would be powerless?

So then my reasoning turned to thoughts on God; now if you know me I'm a strong believer in the Good Ol' Man above, we've obviously not seen eye to eye over the past 27 years of my life (or so) but I believe that's a testament to all good relationships since well I'm still Christian so that means something must be doing fine! So there's that good old question about "why does God let good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people?" and then I suddenly had this weird weird thought that maybe we've pigeonholed "destiny" and "fate" as a very linear relationship, one that is a simple function of time, when in fact there are quite possibly imaginary factors at play that we have not fully weighed in. So here's my hypothesis, and let me list out my assumption:

Assumption: God is God of All. There's this interesting strand of thought that goes something like "who created God?" My theory is such that this question is actually irrelevant by theory of transitivity of facts. If economic theory 101 doesn't fail me (although that was five years ago), transitivity goes : If A implies B, and B implies C, thus A implies C. Therefore, if the God we know of this Earth was created by some super Mega God A, and this Mega God A was created by some super duper duper Mega God AAAA, and this super duper duper Mega God AAAA was created by The Most Awesomest God of God of God... you get the idea. In the end, the principles dictating the overall underlying "God" would have trickled into each permutation such that each natural permutation was a comfortable representation of the root "God". Therefore to consider any higher permutation above the one and only God that we have now on Earth would be absolutely pointless, because that God anyway would probably be working on the same type of moral conditions (because if He didn't, then the information would have trickled to this Earth and we'd possibly be eating babies and licking armpits for breakfast). So therefore this assumption for me is infallible. Of course, it still appears to the reader as an "assumption" since you may not fully prescribe to my view because I have not fully convinced you with my argument, hence to enjoy the hypothesis, do take my assumption as "fact".

Hypothesis: So what if there are TWO types of destinies that each of us live? A spiritual destiny and a physical destiny? And I can bet you some idiot in some bible school or church camp or some idiot who wrote the Spirit-Filled life has thought of this, but you know, give me some credit for wholly coming up with this myself.
Anyway the root of this hypothesis is deeply stuck inside the random nature and probabilities of events; we know that in life, there are lots of bad events and tragedies. Some (like say, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes) are rather unavoidable, classify this as "Accidental" (although the issue of where pollution is a sin, well that's another interesting train of thought, but lets just say most of these events are due to Earth's natural geophysical movements). Other tragedies (9/11, war on Iraq, Afghanistan, 8 years of George Bush Jr, 12 years of total Bush) can be thought of as "Non-accidental"; human decisions and emotions that finally led to the crystallisation of these events.
All I'm saying is that God cannot be responsible for the outcome of non-accidental events. My reasoning is this; imagine God creates a coin with heads or tails. Now God says "hey Jesus and Holy Spirit, I'm going to flip this coin, what do you think I'm gonna get?" Now the 2/3 Holy Trinity reply "That's not fair God, You are after all omnipotent and All-seeing, surely you'd know the results of Your own throw?" but then God says "Ok fine, since I'm so darn powerful, I'll make it to be a random event with probability = 1/2. How's that?" So therefore if God wills the responsibility of probability onto this event, then He cannot be at once both the master and the subject of the outcome of the event? That would be a null argument, or so I feel.
Hence God's trust and faith in the decision of the probability leads me to believe that there are things that God 100% knows (keeping faith in the Lord and loving all as He loved us) will lead us to truely rich lives and things that God has no clue what will happen (who wins American Idol 2200, whether Cristiano Ronaldo is really worth 85 mil pounds), and I believe that if we keep 100% to the spiritual destiny that God has ordained us to have, as in keeping to His word and trying not to screw ourselves up; then here's the kicker fellas, because we are still exposed to the physical destiny, the one that Darwin and the Earth and Mother Nature and Probability have in store for us. Hence the argument of why Bad Things happen to Good People should only be attributed to physical destiny, as in "it happens because well 13,01,435,768 billion years ago a particle moved at 3.85 m/s instead of 3.86 m/s which snowballed such that the car was moving 10 km/h faster than it should have and hit that kid" or something to that effect. That's a bit of a far-fetched example, but that's the point I wish to make is that, we tend to want to blame God for a lot of things in life that really blow, but the problem I guess is we confuse it really because when God gave us this propensity for life to suck really shitty, He also gave us the propensity for life to be really good and fun too, and I'm not wanting to sound like a nooby-nuck goody-gunky lovey guy cause right now I REALLY think my life is hitting the crapper, but the thing is that God, 2010 years (or so we are led to believe) when Jesus died on the cross and God stopped trying to micromanage our lives He gave us the most powerful thing of all, that is the freedom of choice. In His omnipotence, I believe God (or God of God for you nay sayers) could erase the use of a "physical destiny", and have it such that there are no natural disasters, no accidents, no gravity, no ice-cream probably, but the thing is when you don't have the free-will, then what are you really? Then God would be a zoo-keeper really, instead of a God of a really really smart human race (well, I still think we as a human society are kinda smart, I mean 120 episodes of Scrubs that are still funny, man that's a testament to comedic endurance if I've ever seen, frick on a stick never gets old!)

So in the end my conclusion is this:
If you believe God is the super omnipotent force on Earth and everything else;

Then things either:
a) Happen for a reason or
b) Happen because it's just time for it to happen.

And you either get with the program or not. I've had a lot of (a)'s and (b)'s in my life happen, and outside of the knee-jerk "Oi God! WTF man wah lau no way!" rant that I have, I guess I need something to remind myself that hey you know, alot of things that happen, is outside of my control, and somethings that happen, hey is outside of even God's control, because you just can't have probability working for you all the time, there's a finite possibility of events that need to cater to a finite number of people, so you can only live life with a shred of dignity and a lot of faith in your spiritual destiny, and hope that the physical destiny gives u a FREAKIN break once in a while.

Just a random thought on a hazy Saturday morning.

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