Friday, December 19, 2008

Tis the season

So I guess it's that time of year again.

History dictates that one should learn from his previous mistakes.

Especially when said mistakes relate to matters of the heart.

Over the years, I have learnt the hard way, that you never rush to tell a woman that you are nuts about her.

For no good can come from rushing.

But I now find myself in that oh-to-familiar situation. When oh f'ing when is it the right time to be forth right? to stare down the barrel of a gun? to pee into the wind? to tell you that I am head over heels for you?

As I sit here, palms drenched in sweat, pondering this, something inside tells me that this is the time. But is it?



Let's just get with the program. I mean, it's Christmas and if you can't be honest during Christmas when can you right?

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